Insurance against a dog bite.
If you are bitten by a dog, the pet owner could be liable for your medical bills and any out-of-pocket expenses related to the injury. Depending on the scope of your injury, you may also be able to sue for pain and suffering.
The pet owner’s Homeowners’ Insurance policy may foot the bill for your injuries, unless the dog breed is excluded from the insurance policy. Dogs like Pit Bills, Rottweilers and Dobermans are often excluded because of their aggressive tendencies.

Other types of insurance for a dog bite.
If the pet owner is a renter, or doesn’t own their own home, they may have renter’s insurance or pet insurance. Some pet insurance enhancements permit owners to insure specifically against losses caused by their canine companions. If the pet owner balks at providing the insurance information, you may pursue legal action to compel them to do so.
No Insurance coverage available.
If the dog owner has no insurance, it is essential to seek the advice of an attorney. A free consultation would be invaluable in this case. Here’s why:
You may still be able sue the owner for damages, but it may take significant time and money which may exceed the trauma of the original dog biting incident. For this reason, it is imperative that you consider the value and potential benefit of suing.
A lawsuit MAY be worth considering if:
- …the damage was so severe it results in permanent disability
- …the injuries resulted in the death of a victim
It is best to consult with a personal attorney to assess whether it is worth pursing a lawsuit. Chances are, your injuries will be healed long before you settle. Make sure it’s worth the trouble. Get a free consultation to find out.
Bitten by a stray dog…
If you’re injured by a stray, it is highly unlikely you will be able to sue anyone. It may be possible to sue the local animal control, if it can be definitively proven that the city is somehow at fault, which is exceedingly difficult.
In the meantime, you can likely get medical care directly through your own health insurance, but you will not be able to sue for additional compensation, and your benefits may not cover the entire costs associated with your injuries.
If you’ve been bitten by a dog, it is absolutely in your best interest to seek legal advice. Get a free consultation to find out if it’s worth pursing legal action. Contact us today.