‘Tis the season for snowy sidewalks & icy surfaces – a perfect recipe for a slip & fall accident. If you find yourself injured from a fall, the hope is that there will be witnesses to the incident, which helps your case should you need to sue. But what happens if there are no witnesses?
If you fall and fail to report the accident with no witnesses around to verify the fall, you will have a very difficult time succeeding on a slip and fall claim. Failure to document your fall and/or report it, can be fatal to your claim for compensation. But just because you have no witnesses doesn’t mean you don’t have a case. There are things you can do to support your potential claim. If you’re hurt in a fall, with no one around to see you get hurt, your best bet is to take the extra steps to document the incident as best as possible.
Emergency medical technicians are usually helpful when it comes to documenting your accident. But what if you don’t require immediate medical attention? If you fall, and you do not need immediate medical attention – or have not called 911, at very least scan the area and look to identify the obstacles or scenario which caused you to fall. Try to understand exactly what happened and make sure you report the incident immediately to the owner of the property. Call the police to file a report and/or file an incident report to document your fall. Be specific and concise in the report. Be sure to indicate that you will be seeking medical attention.
It goes without saying, but alertness plays a major part in accident avoidance. So, be safe and alert. We all have a personal and legal duty to be alert to the world around us. If you are hurt, seek legal assistance so at the very least, the costs of your medical care are covered. If you do find yourself injured as a result of fall, with no witnesses to verify the incident, don’t lose hope. Talk to an attorney to find out your options.