Although it may not feel like spring outside, the season of renewal and rebirth has indeed arrived. Spring can bring unpredictable driving conditions, such as flooded roads and deer crossing the roadways. Therefore, it is crucial for drivers to remain vigilant and adapt their driving practices accordingly to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the road.
In this issue of our newsletter, you will read about does New Jersey auto insurance cover crashes with animals, understanding and avoiding a motorcycle accident, and steps to help you find the right personal injury attorney.
If you have any questions, regarding insurance coverage, please do not hesitate to contact the office to inquire more about homeowner/renter and auto insurance policies. We can send you a guide to help elect the best insurance policy.
As always, thanks for reading our newsletter and thanks for your support. Stay safe!
The Accident Hotline is available to you anytime. Just text 732-707-1770 to get help with your legal issue ASAP.
If you have any questions or comments about this edition of the newsletter, just hit “reply” to let us know directly.
Does your auto insurance cover crashes with animals? 
Thankfully, springtime fast approaching. Spring in New Jersey is a hotbed for animals in heat, making them more active and aggressive during the spring months. This increase in activity can be directly linked to an increase in crashes with animals on the road. And it isn’t limited to the state of New Jersey.
Understanding and Avoiding a Motorcycle Accidents
Make no mistake about it: riding a motorcycle — and as you are no doubt aware—poses greater risks of injury than driving a car. According to the NHTSA, based on statistics from 2006, motorcyclists are eight times more likely to be injured in a crash per mile traveled.
Finding the Right Personal Injury Attorney 
Were you injured in an accident? Do you suffer from serious, and permanent injuries? If you have, and you wish to consult an attorney, but have no idea where to start, here is a list of steps to help you find the right personal injury attorney.
Here for You When You Need Us
We’re here for you whenever you may need us. With two offices in New Jersey we’re easy to find, easy to get to and easy to work with.
Joseph Ghabour & Associates – Matawan
721 Route 34, #1
Matawan, NJ 07747
(732) 967-9110
Joseph Ghabour & Associates – Bayonne
1025 Broadway
Bayonne, NJ 07702
(201) 656-3300