Seek medical treatment—this is one of the most significant recommendations we can offer, not only for your well being, but also for the value of your case. If you do not seek treatment, your condition can get worse and cause more permanent damage if not appropriately treated. It is important to visit a doctor after an injury to treat and prevent any additional worsening of a condition.
While scrapes and bruises usually show up shortly after the accident, other wounds may need more time to appear and can take hours or days for the injuries to become symptomatic. Tissue can be delicate and although you may not feel physical pain for quite a while, there can still be an underlying issue that can have long-term effects. That is the reason it’s so critical to see a specialist quickly, and face to face. That way, the doctor can give you a full assessment and report your wounds as the symptoms arise. It will make your case stronger and provide background on how your injuries and treatment have progressed.
It’s imperative that you communicate with your doctor. Tell them all your complaints no matter how little they may seem; you never know if there could be an underlying issue. Also, listen to your doctor. Your doctor will make a treatment plan based on the symptoms and severity of your injuries. It is important you stick with the plan the doctor has made for you so your injuries will heal properly.
Seeking treatment is going to be crucial in any personal injury case. Your physician is responsible for recording the nature of your injury, any diagnostic procedures you undergo and all care and treatment you receive. These records will ultimately be reviewed by defense attorneys and insurance companies which could affect any potential settlements you can receive. It is important you follow treatment and advise your doctors of every complaint so it can be documented properly.
If you have been injured in a personal injury accident, contact Joseph M. Ghabour & Associates today!